
How I Managed to Clear My Skin and Keep it that Way

Ahh the glories of being an acne suffer. Well to be honest it sucks. My acne has been with me for as long as I can remember. I wish I had kept the photos of what my acne looked like before but sadly I deleted all of them. But I will insert a photo of what my skin is looking like as of today.  Also I will put the link of my youtube video so you can see exactly what I do for my skin care routine.

Even though my strongest belief in life is that what you put into your body will reflect on your skin, I want to share with you what I have done to help me maintain my clear skin. Honestly it took a tremendous amount of patience and discipline. I want to point out that what worked for my skin may or may not work for yours, but there is no harm and trying it out.


Step 1: Everyday either in the morning or night I make sure to cleanse my skin. At the moment I am using the Clinique Rinse-off Foaming CleanserI adore this stuff. The cleanser itself goes such long way because you literally only need about a dime size amount. A huge plus for me is that this stuff gets rid of everything that may be on your skin, from water proof makeup to dirt and oil this is a winner. I will link all the places you can get this cleaner from, but you can most definitely find an alternative to this one at the drugstore! ( I recommend a cleanser from the line Simple.)

Like my fall vibes lol

Step 2: After I cleanse my skin, usually in the morning I will use a toner. Toner is my one and only true holy grail product. See, toner gets rid of all the left over stuff your cleanser couldn’t get and furthermore getting all the last of your makeup and dirt that could clog your pores.When you have acne this is a huge deal in my opinion. On my skin I use the Clinique Clarifying Lotion.  Again darlings you don’t have to use the exact same one I am, you can always opt for a different toner. I apply the toner in sweeping motions on either a cotton round or cotton ball and make sure to get in all the nooks and crannies of my skin. IMG_9993 (1)





Step 3: Only at night will I do this step because these acne products shouldn’t be worn out in the sun. Differn is probably the best thing that ever happened to my skin and I say this with no exaggeration. This product used to be only available through a prescription. Lucky for us it is now available at Target and Walmart! This stuff is great because it helps the acne go down in inflammation, keeps working to actually prevent new acne from forming, and if you wear makeup it helps aid your skin in having no texture which is a huge plus. I apply it to the areas wear my acne is flaring and by the morning my skin is already better. IMG_9994

Okay so this one you’ll have to see your dermatologist for but no worries if you cant get your hands on this one. Try the differn first and see how your skin does sometimes that alone will do the trick. I only use this next product maybe twice a week now because its so gosh dang strong. Retin-A. Gosh this thing is crazy. But it works. After your acne has gone away sometimes we are left with a scar or dark marks on the skin. Retin-A helps with this. What it does is help the skin renew itself and it helps the skin look smoother as it gets rid of texture you may have. But its strong and it will make your skin peel. My derm recommended I only used it every other night, but I found it made my skin flaky and dry so I cut back to twice a week.  I have tested it out myself over a long period of time but have come to find that time really does heal everything. All the dark spots left over from my previous acne are basically all gone now. Ask your dermatologist if Retin-A is right for you. (wow that sounded like an infomercial)

Step 4: Last on our list is to MOISTURIZE. Whether your skin type is dry, oily, or combo, please moisturize. Your skin needs it trust me! A great moisturizer can do wonders for your skin. I will share two of my very favorite ones.  From the drugstore I opt for the Neutragena Hydro Boost Gel Cream. More often than not I will reach for this one but when it sadly runs out I also love the the Clinique Dramatically Different Gel Moisturizer.  Both of these are wonderful and they leave the skin feeling so supple and soft! I cannot get enough of them! IMG_9995





This is the skin care regimen that has helped me keep my skin looking clear. In combination with other things like eating as clean as I can and rather than eating out I cook all my meals. No more greasy food and plenty of water. I do also give my skin a sheet mask or any mask once a week to help boost its radiance. I definitely hope this helps you in your journey to clear skin! Please leave your comments down below or any questions! I am more than happy to chat! Also this is in no way sponsored by Clinique lol Oh how i wish it were though.

I will see you guys next time, Valerie

My skin as of late.


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